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Blue Iron Trays | Burning, care and maintenance

Blue Sheet Pizza Pan 40x30cm Emili Teglie

Burning, Care and Maintenance Blue Iron Trays

The Emili blue sheet pans are made through craftsmanship starting precisely from the use of blue sheet metal for food use (only for cooking). This raw material makes the article the perfect type of pan for cooking pizza, once burned, the pan is ready to be used.

The craftsmanship of the product ensures a high quality and resistance of the pan. Any imperfections do not affect the quality and use of the pan, but highlight the uniqueness and craftsmanship of the product.

Warning!  It is necessary to carry out the 'burning' procedure before use. You can follow the advice listed below but we recommend reading up on the various dedicated videos on YouTube or through expert pizza chefs.

Initial Burn

New baking pans are coated with oils that prevent corrosion. It is no secret, in fact, that if iron has a defect, it will rust over time. To get perfect in stores and in your homes, the trays are coated with a protective film. So the first thing to do is an initial burn that removes the protective substances and inedible mineral oils, applied by the manufacturer to protect the pans.

For the initial burn proceed as follows:

  1. Clean the pan with kitchen paper to remove processing residues, the more effective the cleaning will be, the less smoke and stench will come from the oven at home.
  2. Bake the pan at ~ 200/230 ° C for 5 minutes.
  3. After 5 minutes, take the pan out of the oven trying not to breathe the fumes caused by the processing oils and let the pan cool.

First Burn

  1. Clean the pan with kitchen paper.
  2. Sprinkle evenly using kitchen paper all over surface, external and internal, of the pan with a few drops of seed oil, being careful not to leave areas uncovered or with too much oil, it must be a very thin and uniform layer.
  3. Bake the pan at ~ 200/230 ° C for about 5 minutes.
  4. Observing when the oil reaches the smoke point is an indication that the pan is ready to be taken out of the oven.
  5. Take the pan out of the oven and let it cool for a few minutes.

Second Burn

  1. Clean the pan with kitchen paper.
  2. Sprinkle evenly using only kitchen paper inner surface, of the pan with a few drops of seed oil, being careful not to leave areas uncovered or with too much oil, it must be a very thin and uniform layer.
  3. Bake the pan at ~ 200/230 ° C for about 5 minutes.
  4. Observing when the oil reaches the smoke point is an indication that the pan is ready to be taken out of the oven.
  5. Take the pan out of the oven and let it cool for a few minutes. If the pan is covered by a uniform patina, the treatment is finished, otherwise, carry out a new "second burn" starting from point 1.

Care and Maintenance

The foresight to have with this type of pan is certainly to keep it away from humidity, NEVER wash it with water and / or soap, not even to remove the sprayed Vaseline oil to protect it.

Use absorbent paper or cotton to clean it after use.

Before putting the pan away, we recommend lightly brushing the entire internal and external surface with oil.


To be sure that the burn is successful, we recommend watching the video of Michele in the kitchen or our friend Antonio.

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